Thursday, October 10, 2013

1/3 of the Way in the 31 Day Challenge!

Well I can hardly believe that we're already on day 10 of the 31 Days challenge! It's been so much fun to finally get a grip on my recipe file, and so fulfilling to see more of my recipes online. It's also been precious to take this walk down memory lane as each recipe brings back such vivid memories of a certain time or stage of my life.

It also reminds me of the precious loved ones who've shared their recipes with me. Some are family, some old friends, some I don't have the blessing of seeing anymore and some have passed away. But by sharing a recipe with me all those years ago, these recipes will continue to remind me of them and bring a grateful smile to my face each time I bake or cook.

I love how food is such a central theme around our times of getting together with the ones we love. Precious memories are made around the dinner table as we linger at the table while chatting and laughing about the day's events. Not to mention how we all gather around a memorable Christmas Dinner, or Birthday Champagne Breakfast! Eating and enjoying good food is at the core of our nature, across all cultures, and is a tradition to be treasured.

So the next time you prepare a meal for your family, try not to be rushed. Take your time, cook it with love. And encourage the recipients of your labours to savour and enjoy each bite. Linger longer at your table. Really engage with each other, take time to talk, to laugh and to listen.

And may I encourage you to take the time to share your recipes, and to leave a lasting legacy for your children, for a time when you will no longer be around to spoil them with your culinary delights!

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